Academic & Career Planning

Academic and Career Planning (ACP) is a student-driven, adult-supported process in which students create and develop their own unique and information-based visions for post secondary success. The results are obtained through self-exploration, career exploration, and the development of career management and planning skills. Academic and Career Planning is an important part of comprehensive school counseling. Students at the Wisconsin School for the Deaf (WSD) receive ACP services in 6th-12th grades. At WSD we use Xello, a web based program used to implement career development, in combination with the Enderle Severson Transition assessment to provide information on students skills with regards to Employment, Recreation and Leisure, Home Living, Community Participation, and Post Secondary Education. In addition, all students at WSD ages 14 and older develop a Post Secondary Transition Plan (PTP), which they use to identify their career goals and services needed to achieve those goals.

College & Career Ready

ALL students will graduate “College and Career Ready” which means they will: KNOW their unique interests and abilities and how they are compatible with a multitude of high school and post high school opportunities. EXPLORE Career Clusters & Pathways, labor statistics, education and training requirements, service and work-based learning opportunities, Career and Technical Student Organizations, and certification opportunities. PLAN and maintain a Program of Study that provides flexibility based on individual experiences. GO with confidence, re-evaluating, and returning to the process as needed.

Career Clusters

Career Clusters are part of the current WSD Course Catalog and are discussed with students in their Employability and Future’s Planning courses. As part of the Career Clusters framework, our 10th grade students fill out applications, develop their resume, and complete practice interviews.

Employment Opportunities

Students attending WSD come from counties all over the state of Wisconsin. We use information from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development to find information about local employment opportunities. We also work closely with the students’ school districts to connect them with local information and resources.

Individualized ACP Support

Individualized ACP Support is provided to students at WSD through:
  • Monday-Thursday advisory sessions with a case manager to connect students and staff
  • Yearly conferences with staff to develop and discuss the student’s ACP plans
  • ACP staff support to help develop Post Secondary Plans for students 14 and older

Staff Professional Development

The ACP staff at WSD continually participate in professional development opportunities. Some of the recent trainings include:
  • Xello trainings
  • Transition conferences