English Language Arts


English 9 Grade: 9 Credit 2.0 Length: Year
Prerequisite: 6th grade reading level or consent of instructor
Content: This is a one year required course.  This class introduces students to various genres and forms of literature.  Students will read and analyze poetry, plays, novels, short stories, and other non-fiction writings.  Reading strategies and literary analysis will be emphasized. Students will also be taught English Grammar through review lessons and application in writing. This class will focus on four kinds of writing including: narrative, informational, persuasive, and a formal research paper.  Students will also learn how to cite their research using Modern Language Association (MLA) style format and create a Works Cited page.

English 10 Grade: 10 Credit 2.0 Length: Year
Prerequisite: English 9 and 6th grade reading level or consent of instructor
Content: This is a one year required course. This class exposes students to both major and minor American authors while addressing various genres such as biographies, fiction, non-fiction, essays, speeches, short stories, and poetry.  Students will focus on reading comprehension and vocabulary as well as make connections between American Literature and American history. Students will use literary analysis skills to comprehend their reading. The course will also include the three main areas of writing including persuasive, expository, and narrative as well as grammar and semantics as they apply to writing.

English 11 Grade: 11 Credit 2.0 Length: Year
Prerequisite: English 10 and 8th grade reading level or consent of instructor
Content: This is a one year required course. This class exposes students to major and minor authors from all over the world including Shakespeare, World War I Literature, and literature from various countries and cultures.  Students will read short stories, novels, non-fiction, poetry, and mythology, and plays.  Students will continue to improve on reading comprehension and application of literary analysis. In addition, this course continues to expand upon the composition skills acquired in both English 9-10.  Emphasis is given to thinking, logical writing, and clarity in expression of ideas.  Students research, organize, and present ideas for a variety of purposes, audiences, and occasions.  Correct grammar, syntax, and the process of writing continue to be developed, as well as how to cite information found.

English 12 Grade: 12 Credit 1.0 Length: Year
Prerequisite: English 11 and 8th grade reading level or consent of instructor
Content: This is a one year required course. In this class, students will read a variety of genres and forms including Young Adult Literature, Science fiction, Current events, and other genres as determined by the class.  Students will continue to apply literary analysis skills to their reading. The course will also give high school seniors an understanding of basic college research skills and will complete skills necessary for a 10-12 page research paper comparable to a college research course.  Students will learn how to navigate the physical stacks and virtual databases of a variety of research facilities including potential institutions of attendance and evaluate the sources found for accuracy and relevance.


English 9 Grade: 9 Credit 2.0 Length: Year
Prerequisite: 3rd grade reading level or consent of instructor
Content: This class introduces students to various genres including: Myths, Fables, Short Stories, Tall Tales, Non-Fiction, Poetry and Drama. Emphasis is placed on vocabulary development, comprehension and increased reading strategies. In addition, students will improve their English Composition skills by writing in various genres: Narrative, Expository, Technical, Persuasive, Creative, Oratory and Research.  English Grammar, Idiomatic language, editing and proofreading skills will also be emphasized drawing comparisons to American Sign Language. **These topics are addressed in each grade level with a spiraling curriculum.

English 10 Grade: 10 Credit 2.0 Length: Year
Prerequisites: English 9 and 3rd grade reading level or consent of instructor
Content: Students will study the development of Literature in the United States from 1620 until the current time.  Literary movements including: Revolutionary, Romanticism, Transcendentalism and Naturalism, will be topics of discussion. Also, students will improve their English Composition skills by writing in various genres: Narrative, Expository, Technical, Persuasive, Creative, Oratory and Research.  English Grammar, Idiomatic language, editing and proofreading skills will also be emphasized drawing comparisons to American Sign Language. **These topics are addressed in each grade level with a spiraling curriculum.

English 11 Grade: 11 Credit: 2.0 Length: Year
Prerequisites: English 10 and 6th grade reading level or consent of instructor
Content: Exposure to Literature from around the world is the objective of this class.  Comparisons and contrasts will enhance the students’ understanding of various points of view based on differing life experiences and cultures. Students will also improve their English Composition skills by writing in various genres: Narrative, Expository, Technical, Persuasive, Creative, Oratory and Research.  English Grammar, Idiomatic language, editing and proofreading skills will also be emphasized drawing comparisons to American Sign Language. **These topics are addressed in each grade level with a spiraling curriculum.

English 12 Grade: 12 Credit: 1.0 Length: Year
Prerequisites: English 11 and 6th grade reading level or consent of instructor
Content: Students read Literature of the Modern Era with exposure to various genres: Mystery, Science Fiction, Adventure, Autobiography, Persuasive, Drama and Poetry. In addition, students will improve their English Composition skills by writing in various genres: Narrative, Expository, Technical, Persuasive, Creative, Oratory and Research.  English Grammar, Idiomatic language, editing and proofreading skills will also be emphasized drawing comparisons to American Sign Language. **These topics are addressed in each grade level with a spiraling curriculum.


English 9  Grade: 9 Credit 2.0 Length: Year
Content: This class will help students to develop and expand their vocabulary, reading and writing skills.  This content will also teach students to write and type E-mails, use PowerPoint, letters, journaling, documents, forms, lists and notes.  Students will also practice writing basic sentences and paragraphs.  Students will practice food shopping and possibly learn about laundering skills.  Possible community outings to various sites may include: local food stores, Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), post office, etc.  Emphasis is on developing functional reading and writing skills.

English 10  Grade: 10 Credit: 2.0 Length: Year
Content: This class will provide students with language skills necessary for daily living and life skills.  Some of the units of study are menu reading, reading labels, reading signs for indoor and outdoor, coupon reading, making lists, journaling, beginning medical vocabulary practice, etc.  Possible community outings include: banks, restaurant etiquette, local stores, pharmacy, etc.  Continued development of their basic reading and writing skills will be included.  Students will continue developing and expanding their vocabulary and reading skills using the Scholastic Reading Inventory program among other resources.

English 11  Grade: 11 Credit: 2.0 Length: Year
Content: This class will teach about map reading, reading directions, schedule reading, etc. with a more indepth practice of daily living skills and life skills.  Students will practice real world reading and real world writing.  Beginning problem solving discussions and writings will be practiced.  Possible community outings sites include trips to the local stores, places in the community and community agencies.  Students will visit sites so they can explore different vocational and career options for their future.  The students will be involved with the Scholastic Reading Counts program so they can continue to practice and develop their reading skills.

English 12 Grade: 12 Credit: 2.0 Length: Year
Content: This class will provide students with language skills necessary for daily living.  Units have real-life application.  Students will develop a Deaf resource book and a personalized phone book of their own.  Students will learn more about language related to medical and safety topics/issues.  Students will also begin to learn about transportation/traveling, research possible job/career options, setting goals, reading ads/directories and problem solving situational writing.  Functional vocabulary will continue to be addressed.  Possible community outing sites include a clinic and/or hospital visit, travel agency, transportation, community agencies, etc.  Students will continue to be involved in the Scholastic Reading Counts program.


Language in Home Living Grade: 9/10/11/12 Credit 2.0 Length: Year
Content: This is a full year course which provides lessons and hands on application to home living skills such as clothing and personal care decisions, caring for property, household cleaning, food storage and simple meal preparation, minor injury care, and functional vocabulary found around the home such as in recipes and on appliances. Units are presented at the individual student’s level with meaningful experiences in the community to support lessons in the classroom.

Language in the Community Grade: 9/10/11/12 Credit: 2.0 Length: Year
Content: This full year course provides lessons and hands on application to community awareness and participation. Units related to community helpers, community signs, basic map and schedule reading, grocery stores, restaurants, libraries, and other community places that are commonly frequented, along with appropriate social skills and manners when in the community will be taught. Focus will also be on safety in the community such as crossing streets and stranger danger. Units are presented at the individual student’s level with meaningful experiences in the community to support lessons in the classroom.

Language: Self-Awareness/Recreation and Leisure Grade: 9/10/11/12 Credit: 2.0 Length: Year
Content: This full year course provides lessons and hands on application focusing on self- awareness issues such as personal information (birth date, age, name, and address), likes and dislikes, self-advocacy, personal space, relationships and interactions with friends, family, and people in the community. Units will also include social expectations such as turn taking, waiting in line, making friends, cooperation and self-assessment. An exploration of various recreation and leisure activities for enjoyment will also occur. Units are presented at the individual student’s level with meaningful experiences in the community to support lessons in the classroom.

Language in Employment- Grade: 9/10/11/12 Credit: 2.0 Length: Year
Content: This full year course will focus heavily on future employment as it relates to each individual student with a focus on common work related topics such as: why people work, filling out an application, factors of job retention, dismissal and promotion, the variety of roles of people who work such as boss and coworker, social skills in the workplace and where to access assistance related to employment. Interest inventories will be used to help explore future employment options. As interests become evident, outings in the community related to student interests will be provided to expose students to future employment options.