DELAVAN, WI, FRIDAY JUNE 7, 2024: The Wisconsin School for the Deaf proudly
presents its 6 graduating seniors. See below for information on this year’s graduates.
The Wisconsin School for the Deaf is a residential school for students ages 3-21 who are deaf, hard of hearing, or
deafblind from throughout the state of Wisconsin. WSD is a program under the Wisconsin Educational Services
Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (WESP-DHH) which also includes the Outreach Services program, and our
Statewide Deafblind grant project (WDBTAP). WESP-DHH operates under the direction of the Wisconsin Department
of Public Instruction. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race,
color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical,
mental, emotional, or learning disability.

Nestor Ascencio -Milwaukee, WI
Nestor Ascenico joined the Wisconsin School for the Deaf as a Freshman.
Since joining, he has improved tremendously and has made many friends. He played basketball all four years of high school and has improved his behavior so much that he earned a perfect behavioral award and PBIS award. After he graduates, he plans to join the STEP program to get a taste of different jobs and prepare him for college.
Congratulations, Nestor!!
Abigail Brensel – Waukesha, WI
Abigail joined WSD during her sophomore year. She made great gains and matured. While at WSD, she joined a variety of curricular activities: Sign Song Dancers, basketball, cheer, volleyball, and the Gender Sexuality Association. During her time at WSD she received a number of awards. She has earned several awards such as honor roll and Positive Behavior Awards. After high school, she is planning to attend Waukesha Transition Academy at the
White Rock campus.
Congratulations, Abigail Brensel!

Jonah Meyer – Oshkosh, WI
Jonah has been a student at WSD from sophomore through senior year. He has truly grown and blossomed throughout the years. Some of the sports that Jonah has been involved in during his time here are football, cheerleading, and track and field. Also, he has been involved in clubs such as Academic Bowl and the Student Body Government. He has earned numerous awards such as, high honor roll, PBIS positive behavior, NDIAA for football and cheerleading, additionally most outstanding in the dorms. Jonah’s current plans after graduation is to look for a part time job while attending Gateway Technical College part time.
Congratulations, Jonah!!

Autumn Voss- Waukesha, WI
From the time Autumn joined WSD in 8th grade, she always felt welcomed.
She participated in cheerleading, basketball, Sign Song Dancers, Student Body
Government, and the Spring production. She is grateful for DVR services which helped her
get a job and taught her responsibility. After graduation, Autumn will be attending
Waukesha Transition Academy, and eventually become a dog trainer.
Congratulations, Autumn!