Little Listeners
November 7, 2018
Instructor: Jenny Geiken, Deaf Educator & Early Intervention Consultant
Register (Admission Fee: $60.00)
Contact: Jenny Geiken, or 920-737-0477
LITTLE LISTENERS is an Early Support Service that assists families in developing a sound foundation for their early listener using auditory/oral communication. Through play, speech and listening activities, children and parents will learn strategies to support listening skills and spoken language development. Parents will have opportunities to share experiences and questions with other families in a supportive environment.
Sessions focus on aural habilitation (developing language, training in listening, and proper use of hearing device) and include small group, hands-on activities, and “talking points”. Little Listeners is designed to support children (18-36 mos.) with hearing and/or speech differences and their families.
Little Listeners is open to the community; cost is $60.00/parent & child. Minimum enrollment required. Registrations can be made online or complete the registration form and send by mail. Send registration payment by mail or in person (online payment is not accepted).